Comme je pense l'avoir déjà indiqué, convertir les couleur en format HSL me permet de trouver un vert dans n'importe qu'elle saturation. Ce qui se traduit via une webcam par l'éclairage de la piece et la distance par rapport a la webcam ( dans les lieu fort sombre).
Dans le google Group du cours d'As 3 ()
émeric m'a donné une piste à creuser :
Convert the RBG values to the range 0-1 Example: from the video colors page, colorbar red has R=83%, B=7%, G=7%, or in this scale, R=.83, B=.07, G=.07
Find min and max values of R, B, G In the example, maxcolor = .83, mincolor=.07
L = (maxcolor + mincolor)/2 For the example, L = (.83+.07)/2 = .45
If the max and min colors are the same (ie the color is some kind of grey), S is defined to be 0, and H is undefined but in programs usually written as 0
Otherwise, test L. If L < 0.5, S=(maxcolor-mincolor)/(maxcolor+mincolor) If L >=0.5, S=(maxcolor-mincolor)/(2.0-maxcolor-mincolor) For the example, L=0.45 so S=(.83-.07)/(.83+.07) = .84
If R=maxcolor, H = (G-B)/(maxcolor-mincolor) If G=maxcolor, H = 2.0 + (B-R)/(maxcolor-mincolor) If B=maxcolor, H = 4.0 + (R-G)/(maxcolor-mincolor) For the example, R=maxcolor so H = (.07-.07)/(.83-.07) = 0
To use the scaling shown in the video color page, convert L and S back to percentages, and H into an angle in degrees (ie scale it from 0-360). From the computation in step 6, H will range from 0-6. RGB space is a cube, and HSL space is a double hexacone, where L is the principal diagonal of the RGB cube. Thus corners of the RGB cube; red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and magenta, become the vertices of the HSL hexagon. Then the value 0-6 for H tells you which section of the hexgon you are in. H is most commonly given as in degrees, so to convert H = H*60.0 If H is negative, add 360 to complete the conversion.
Ceci donc pour continuer les pistes sur un marqueur en papier.
Denis P.